Sentinel Events – Trendelenburg Dreams

Sentinel Events’ latest album “Trendelenburg Dreams” has just hit the scene and it’s nothing short of amazing. As a follow-up to their debut album “Poor Historian” this sophomore effort dives deeper into their uncategorized art-rock sound with a unique blend of dark, introspective themes.

The production throughout the album is polished and showcases a creative flair that makes each track stand out. The mixing is excellent, allowing the instrumentals and memorable melodies to shine. The lyrics are original and the atmosphere is unique making it a standout on an album full of gems. It was super hard to choose a favorite track, but I would say “Valladolid,” a track that captures the listener with its catchy harmonies, beautifully crafted chorus and guitar instrumental.

Overall, this album is a captivating journey from start to finish. The blend of art-rock with introspective storytelling is done with such finesse that it’s hard to pick a favorite track. For me, this album is one of the best records I’ve heard this summer and it’s definitely going to stay on constant repeat. Sentinel Events have truly outdone themselves and this album deserves far more attention.






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