Feliciano – Kiss in the Morning

Puerto Rican artist Feliciano’s new single “Kiss in the Morning” is a beautiful blend of rock and synth-pop crafted with impressive skills and passion. The track’s infectious energy draws you in with its catchy vocals and beautifully crafted instrumentals. The melodies are captivating and the synth work is amazing. The production and mixing are professional, creating a polished sound that feels both fresh and familiar. The lyrics are original and well written about the vulnerability and optimism that often accompany the end of a first date.

This artist’s ability to create such a well-rounded and enjoyable track using just a laptop is truly impressive. His style is unique and this new single is a testament to his talent and dedication. I love his music and I’m definitely a new fan. He is creative and deserves more attention, I’m super excited to see where his career will go over the coming months!






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