Sandy King – I’m on Summer Time

Sandy King is back on my radar with her new single “I’m on Summer Time” which is the perfect anthem for those lazy, carefree days of summer. With its catchy blend of rock, folk and pop, this track captures the essence of unwinding and enjoying the simple pleasures of the season. The songwriting is beautifully done with melodies that stick with you long after the song ends. Sandy’s rich voice shines throughout and delivering a performance that feels both friendly and deeply engaging.

The song’s atmosphere is laid-back and relaxing making it the kind of tune you can easily play on repeat without getting tired of it. The lyrics evoke images of summer memories and the bliss of having nothing to do while the harmonies add an extra layer of charm that feels almost hypnotic.

I’ve had this song on repeat all morning and I can’t get enough of it! Sandy’s vocals, the instrumentation and the lyrics all come together to create a song that absolutely deserves a spot in my playlist. Even now, I find myself humming the chorus as I write this review, definitely a sign of a hit!







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