Wotts – Laundry

Wotts an indie band from Ottawa, Canada has landed on our radar with their new single “Laundry” and it’s one of the best rock pieces I’ve heard this week. The production on this track is polished showcasing the band’s impressive skills. The instrumentation stands out with its well crafted and captivating melodies that will draw you in immediately.

The energy of this record is amazing carrying a vibrant post-punk/indie vibe inspired by bands like Fontaines D.C. and The Horrors. The vocals are memorable and easy to listen to, complementing the powerful instrumentals perfectly. The lyrics are well written and mesh perfectly with the vocal melodies.

As the first single from their upcoming EP “Laundry” sets high expectations for what’s to come. Personally, I find this single to be a breath of fresh air in the current rock scene. It’s the kind of track that gets stuck in your head and makes you want to hit repeat. I can’t wait to see what Wotts has in store for us with their upcoming EP.







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