Olivia Cox – Miss Me

If you’re a pop music fan, Olivia Cox’s latest single “Miss Me” is a must add to your playlist. This catchy and energetic track is one of the best records I’ve heard in a while. Olivia’s beautiful pop voice and captivating performance shine throughout the song making it an instant favorite.

The lyrics are honest and perfectly blend with the vocal melodies creating an authentic and relatable listening experience. The recording quality is impressive with excellent production and mixing that highlight Olivia’s vocal strengths. The chorus is particularly stunning, easy to listen to and sure to get stuck in your head.

As an independent singer-songwriter, Olivia puts her heart and soul into her music and this new single is a testament to her dedication. The track carries a slightly dark but relatable message that young people in the dating scene today will connect with. I absolutely love this single and can’t wait to see what Olivia Cox has in store next. “Miss Me” is a pop gem that deserves a spot at the top of your playlist. It’s been on repeat for me and I think it will be for you too. Give it a listen, you won’t be disappointed.








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