The Pulltops – Waiting Here

Good evening! We are excited to introduce you to The Pulltops’ latest single “Waiting Here” a compelling addition to the rock scene. The guitar riffs are amazing and the synth adds the most perfect touch we could ever ask for. The music here is enjoyable and the energy is truly impressive.

“Waiting Here” is a song that immediately grabs your attention with its catchy and memorable sound. The chorus is simply amazing sticking with you long after the song has ended. The production is polished and the mixing is excellent highlighting every element of the track. The vocals are stunning delivering well written lyrics that are easy to listen to and resonate deeply. Let’s be honest, the vocalist has one of the best rock voices you could ever hear.

The quality of this song is truly interesting with a beautiful atmosphere that draws you in and holds you captive. Personally, I find “Waiting Here” to be one of those tracks that you can listen to on repeat without getting tired of it. The Pulltops have really outdone themselves with this release and I’m eagerly anticipating their next move. If you haven’t heard it yet do yourself a favor and give it a listen, trust me you won’t be disappointed.









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