THE HYBRIS – Checkmate In Two, Donnie

The HYBRIS trio is back with a bang and their new single “Checkmate In Two, Donnie” is proof that pure rock still thrives. This track stands out with its impressive guitar work, unique bass line and professional, creative production. The band’s distinctive style with its varied and sometimes political themes truly shines through.

What sets this song apart are the amazing vocals that are sure to get stuck in your head. The chorus is memorable making it a favorite for repeat listens especially during my drives home from work. The infectious groove and anthemic melodies make this single a standout promising great things for their upcoming third album.

Ringo, Beanie and Malcolm, the three comic book superheroes continue their mission to save the world, stopping a convicted criminal on his way back to the Oval Office. Based in L.A., Nice and Cologne, THE HYBRIS is making real waves in the rock scene. Their music deserves more attention and “Checkmate In Two, Donnie” is a track you won’t want to miss.







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