The Kiss That Took A Trip – Victims of the avantgarde

If you’re in the mood for something different, dreamy and memorable, “Victims of the Avantgarde” by The Kiss That Took A Trip is the album you need to check out. With 12 tracks that take you on a unique musical journey, each song offers a distinct vibe that’s hard to forget. From the first note to the last the experience is nothing short of mesmerizing. The production is polished showcasing creative and smart choices that sound incredibly professional.

The Kiss That Took A Trip is an exotic one-man project that has always stood out for its unadulterated vision of music and creativity. Almost entirely synthetic in production, this artist has been exploring various alternative subgenres for 18 years, often operating in relative obscurity yet consistently delivering quality work. This album is no exception. The instrumentals are amazing and the vocals are rich and memorable, blending seamlessly to create a sound that recaptures the feel of the golden age of 90s college radio.

“Victims of the Avantgarde” is an impressive showcase of The Kiss That Took A Trip’s distinctive musical style and impressive quality. If you’re in the mood for something truly unique and enjoyable then give this album a listen. It’s a journey worth taking.









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