Miles East – Between Lightning and Thunder

Miles East just landed on our radar with his new album “Between Lightning and Thunder” and I can’t get enough of it. This album is a beautiful journey into his world and is definitely one of the best records I’ve heard in months. The instrumentals are beautifully crafted showcasing a level of artistry that is both intricate and accessible. Miles East’s rich voice and his performance on each song are truly pieces of art.

Produced by Blake Morgan the album navigates a sonic landscape reminiscent of Beck’s Sea Change and Paul McCartney’s Ram. Each track on the album is a captivating blend of melody and lyrics drawing listeners into a relaxing journey through ten unique and unforgettable tracks. This album is one that will stick with you long after the last note fades. Miles East has delivered a masterpiece that is sure to become a staple in any music lover’s collection.

If you haven’t yet, give “Between Lightning and Thunder” a listen. Personally, I find myself replaying this album constantly, it’s rare to come across music that resonates so deeply and leaves such a lasting impression. Miles East has truly outdone himself with this one.

Miles East Album Cover Shoot 06/13/2023 Credit: Taylor Ballantyne






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