Janeuary – Back where I belong

Janeuary’s latest single “Back Where I Belong” is hands down one of the most haunting and touching songs I’ve heard in a long time. I can’t get enough of it and it’s definitely going to be on repeat for me over the next few weeks.

She has such a pure, charming voice and she really outdoes herself on this masterpiece. Her melodies are captivating and the lyrics are honest, meaningful and beautifully written. The whole atmosphere of the song is just haunting and the production is top-notch.

I also love the music video, it’s dark and perfectly complements the song and adds another layer to its emotional depth. The instrumentation is soothing and the production skills are really impressive. Janeuary’s unique style and talent shine through in this single and I can’t wait to hear what she comes up with next.

Janeuary herself has a special connection to this song, describing it as more than just a new composition. It’s a story about love, the one thing that humanity will have at the end of existence. That sentiment really comes through in the music, making “Back Where I Belong” a truly standout track.

On a personal note, this song hit me right in the feels. It’s rare to find a track that resonates so deeply and stays with you long after the music stops. Janeuary has created something truly special here and I’m excited to see where her musical journey takes her next.


Janeuary is an independent alternative/neoclassical composer and singer based in Ukraine. Her music is deep and philosophical. She is very sincere with her listeners; every note comes from the depth of her heart and soul.

Janeuary’s album “No news but muse” inspired the hearts of listeners all over the world. Different artists used her music as the soundtracks for their drawings, among them are Masaki (Japan) and Harry Egrott (Austria). Dancers chose Janeuary’s tracks for their choreography. Ukrainian online and offline magazines such as ELLE Ukraine, Marie Claire, etc. supported that album with wonderful articles.

In addition, the beautiful charity concert was held in the botanical garden of Kyiv with the participation of People’s Artists of Ukraine, soloists of the National Opera.

Janeuary says: “Every time I go to the studio I do everything to the best of my ability, just like for the last time. It’s like I’m going to die tomorrow.”








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