Himmat Singh – Drip Drip

Himmat Singh’s new single “Drip Drip” is a vibrant homage to California beaches and the breezy, flirtatious love of summertime. Even though the lyrics are in Punjabi we can still feel the emotion in every word. Himmat’s vocal performance is captivating drawing you in from the first note.

The production of this song is refreshing with clean mixing that allows each element to shine. The melody is incredibly catchy staying with you long after the song has ended. It’s clear that Himmat has a knack for creating memorable tunes that resonate with listeners. This song, written six years ago, proves its timelessness with a fresh 2024 recording and production. It showcases Himmat’s ability to blend multiple cultural styles seamlessly.

“Drip Drip” is the second song by Himmat we’ve reviewed this month and it’s clear he’s an artist to watch. His unique style, melodic genius and high-quality production have won our hearts, and we eagerly anticipate what he will release next.

Personally, I find “Drip Drip” to be a perfect addition to any summer playlist. The catchy melody and Himmat’s smooth vocals make it an irresistible track. I can’t wait to see how his career continues to unfold and what other musical gems he has in store for us.







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