Black Magick Marching Band – Slouching Toward Babylon

Black Magick Marching Band’s new EP, “Slouching Toward Babylon,” is a nostalgic journey wrapped in mildly psychedelic tunes. The band has crafted a melody that hooks you instantly with a retro classic sound that’s both familiar and fresh. The lyrics are thoughtful weaving tales of 20th-century mythology and late-night angst, while the vocals are captivating, showcasing their vocalist’s talent.

The instrumentals of these tracks are a highlight, with guitars that are enjoyable and easy to listen to. Their musical style is distinctive and creates a unique soundscape that will leave you stuck on constant repeat for a long time. I’m genuinely impressed by the quality and creativity of their music. “Slouching Toward Babylon” is a testament to their talent and I can’t wait to see where their career goes in the coming months. If you haven’t yet, give Black Magick Marching Band a listen – you won’t be disappointed.







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