Pena Hughes-John – I Told You So

Pena Hughes-John’s new single, “I Told You So,” captures the essence of classic 80’s vibes beautifully. From start to finish it’s a delightful journey making it one of the best records we’ve heard in days. The production is top-notch showcasing well written and original lyrics. The melodies are captivating and Pena’s stunning voice stands out as one of the purest and most charming we’ve heard in months. The instrumentation is catchy and the overall quality is impressive.

Pena is a talented singer-songwriter and her unique music deserves more attention. “I Told You So” perfectly paints the picture of someone wagging their finger at those who ignored repeated warnings. It’s a song about realizing too late that the wise were right all along, evoking the phrase ‘a wolf in sheep’s clothing.’ This track is a must-listen blending nostalgic sounds with a powerful message. We love her music and can’t wait to see where her career will go over the coming months!







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