Lonely Richard – Tide Pools

Lonely Richard’s latest single “Tide Pools” is a captivating experience from start to finish. The song begins with a gentle acoustic guitar gradually building with additional instruments and catchy vocals that linger long after the final note. The production quality is superb with excellent mixing and recording improving the song’s overall energy.

The duo behind Lonely Richard, Los Angeles-based songwriters Alex Carr and Will Kahn, bring their 20+ year friendship and shared love for Elliott Smith’s “Either/Or” into their music, creating atmospheric indie rock that’s both nostalgic and forward-looking.

“Tide Pools” was born from an acoustic guitar on a gloomy June day, with lyrics reflecting a matrix of impressions from a five-year relationship. Initially recorded as a voice memo the track evolved into a rich full-band arrangement in Burbank, California, while maintaining its bedroom pop charm. This beautiful song showcases the duo’s style, skill, and undeniable musical chemistry. We love their music and can’t wait to see where their career will go over the coming months!




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