The Buddyrevelles – The Consolation

After 15 years of absence, The Buddyrevelles are back on the music stage with their new EP called, “The Consolation”. This quartet is a lovely combination of catchy rock instrumentals and amazing pop melodies. Every song in it has a touch of professionalism in terms of production and originality that can be found in its lyrics. There is a great level of songwriting that shines up through this EP.

From the first few seconds, the EP’s capturing guitar riffs and steady drum beats make you want to listen to it more. On top of that, the vocals are incredibly memorable, sticking with you long after the music stops. Guitar/vocal by Aaron Grant, bass/vocals by Scott Hoch and drums by Dan Reinholdt are blended together in an absolutely magnificent way that creates a musical experience which is deep as well as rich.

Formed in 1997 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, The Buddyrevelles have always been known for their unique sound. With “The Consolation,” they demonstrate significant growth and musical maturity. The EP reflects their life experiences and newfound sense of purpose while retaining the youthful energy that comes with new creations.

Overall, “The Consolation” is an awesome piece of work from start to finish showing why these guys have been so precious to us all through these many years. By doing so they not only meet our expectations but also set high standards for what we should anticipate from them next time around.






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