We are so excited to share this beautiful song “Shot Down” by professional and skillful singer-songwriter Ando Gro. “Shot Down” is a story of a relationship that didn’t quite make it. Ando Gro is a talented songwriter and has one of the richest voices we’ve heard in months and his vocal performance in this song is more than professional. The production is beautiful and there is a great level of songwriting that shines up through this record. The lyrics are beautifully written and mesh with the vocal melodies perfectly. This song is a great experience from start to finish! We hope you love it as much as we do!

Depending on the context, I am known by different names. Ando Gro is my music name. I don my favorite Ando poncho and instantly feel more creative and free to express myself. The Gro part, it’s a directive and a reminder to keep growing, don’t stagnate, don’t settle. It’s that voice inside pleading “Ando – Grow”.
Here you will find some retro-inspired singer-songwriter music traversing realms of indie folk – americana – yazz – psychedelia. I play piano and guitar, and write songs exploring universal themes like relationships, sorrow, joy, death….you know the whole enchilada. I am indebted to many amazing musicians and muses without whom none of these albums would exist.
My latest work is called Golden. It’s a collaboration with Kyle Zender who produced, arranged, mixed and played. It shines a light on the pandemic from disparate viewpoints, each song a Covid vignette exploring small corners of our shared experience.
I talked with friends and read about strangers and was inspired by their stories. One found unexpected love, another the open road and a new sense of freedom. For several it was the realization that a relationship wasn’t working out, and it was time to move on.
Time is an overarching theme in my music. Ephemeral and amorphous, wanting but unable to hold onto relationships, places, and memories, and learning to let go in order to glimpse, if only for a second, the timeless, heart wrenching beauty that exists in all of us.