This lovely tune, “In My Room” is Jen Kalicharan’s first song of 2021. The minute we heard Jen’s voice we couldn’t get it out of our heads! She has one of the purest voices we’ve ever heard! Her vocals are charmingly pure on top of emotional and beautifully written lyrics. The melodies of this downtempo song are very catchy and the production is professional and took this song to a whole new level. This ballad “In My Room” left us stuck on repeat and we are so excited to see Jen’s upcoming projects!

When I started writing, I used it almost like a diary with encrypted lyrics of words I had always wanted to say but never had the confidence to say out loud. It was how I told people I had major crushes on them, how I handled break ups, and how I now document moments in my life that deserve their moment in time. In a lot of my songs, I write to the girl inside that lacked confidence. Who had this inner fire but was too timid to face any kind of failure. I write to that girl because she deserves for everyone to see what she is made of. I visualize who I want to be and I show up as her in my music. Am I there yet? Not completely lol, but I speak it into existence and go from there. I want everyone to feel like the most confident versions of themselves when they listen to my songs, like they really feel themselves and celebrate what makes them feel unstoppable. Like they walk into a room and command attention naturally. I’ve always known I was going to live my life through music. I have thought of myself this way since I was a toddler, barely capable of thinking. I always envisioned myself being a pop star.