This masterpiece “Cavalcades” is the first single by a professional band named Love Crumbs. This song is one of the most beautiful songs we’ve heard lately! The singer has a powerful, charming voice, and this masterpiece shows off all of the melodic tones of her stunning voice. The melody of this song is very catchy and mesh with the lyrics perfectly. The guitars are wonderful and the atmosphere of this song is unique! There is an amazing level of songwriting that shines up through this record, and the production is polished and sounds very very professional. This song was written following the death of George Floyd and the gaining momentum of the Black Lives Matter movement. It’s from the perspective of an observer who is recognizing that the movement is destined to succeed because of the indelible force of good, i.e., light, that is behind it. This incredible piece of art left us very excited to listen to the next projects from this talented band! We hope you like it as much as we do!

Love Crumbs hails from Western and Central Massachusetts. Folk music forged from where blue collar folks mingle with the erudite.
Love Crumbs delivers a captivating powerful and controlled female vocal sound over jangly acoustic guitar-themed stylings. The songwriting is a mix of prosaic and abstract ballads – on themes of love, loss, pain, addiction and contemporary social issues.
The folks in the band have all overcome varying levels of adversity to give you the crumbs of their love. Some have come from addiction and homelessness into recovery replete with home and family. Some have stared depression and mania in the eyes and come out the other side to tell the tale. All are parents to little ones. When they are not giving their hearts to their husbands, wives, and kids, they give it all that’s left on the stage…the crumbs of their love.