This song “Sick of Me” by beautiful singer and songwriter Geena Kaye, will leave you stuck on constant repeat for a long time! Geena has one of the most charming voices you could ever hear, and her performance on this song is more than professional. The guitars are very catchy and the vocal melodies are so beautiful. We got stuck on Geena’s vocals, her lyrics are honest and touching! Genna Kaye has an amazing talent when it comes to singing and songwriting. This song was definitely a unique experience for our team and it left us so excited to see where Geena’s career will go over the next coming months.
” “Sick of Me” was written back in April, when lockdown was brand new and we were all coming to terms with a new normal. I was already letting myself slip a little- waking up way later than the usual time when I’d been headed to the office, forgetting to brush my teeth until noon, forgetting what it was like to go to a bar and grab a drink.
Now, we’re 9 months into a global pandemic, and everyone is sick of themselves and each other. I hope this song resonates with you at least a little bit- it’s a reminder to myself that it is okay to have quarantine fatigue, okay to lose your mind a little bit, okay to want to get out and go anywhere, anywhere but here.”

Geena Kaye spent the first 18 years of her life in Germany, but no, she doesn’t have an accent. Yes, she knows how to drink beer and dance on the table, but she also likes a bacon-egg-and-cheese as much as the next New York-transplant. Like a very normal 24-year-old, Geena’s songs are about (hopefully) relatable quarter-life crisis things: the new girl your ex is sending money to on Venmo, your parents selling your childhood home, work anxiety, doing dumb things to look cool…. you get the idea. The daughter of a German newscaster, a graduate of the Clive Davis Institute, and a current record label employee, Geena Kaye is a wearer of many hats. As long as she can make angsty dance music about it, she’s happy to wear them.