“Memory” is a standalone musical collaboration of singer-songwriters Aural Air and Patrick Mc Eleney. This song is a masterpiece… Every single second of this song is a masterpiece! We are not even sure if we could find the right words to describe how incredible this song is. The minute we heard the vocals, we got hooked on it and we couldn’t take it out of our heads, we are totally stuck on repeat! This wonderful piece of art draws a new emotion with every listens and it’s definitely one of the most charming songs you could ever hear. The atmosphere of this record is very unique and the production work sounds very professional. The song comes with a great music video that definitely will give you a better experience while you are listening. Such a beautiful song!
Patrick Mc Eleney grew up in Donegal watching the Atlantic tides come and go. The passing of time, much like song writing, has forever been on his mind.
Over the years, he has travelled, collecting words, sketching melodies and experiencing life. Growing, learning, hurting and healing.
You can hear it in his voice. The introverted honesty he quietly asserts feels colossal in its weight while impossibly intimate in his delivery.
He uses piano, guitar, strings, cuatro and other instruments he’s acquired along the way. For the last few years he has pushed himself to arrange and record them while forcing himself to rise above the deafening self-doubt.
“This song punched me in the gut… I was a bit of a mess when I first heard this track”– Andrea Madden, Music supervisor for Made in Chelsea (on the song ‘Everything changes with you’)
“These lyrics are so raw and relatable, they are incredible. You have a brilliantly sensitive way of expressing emotions that are very difficult to describe” – SongDoor International song competition team (on the song ‘Nervous’)