Vincent Lima – The Winter

Wow! we are in real shock from what we just heard. The talented singer-songwriter Vincent Lima has shared with us an unbelievable song titled “The Winter” and he really hooked us. The atmospheres that this song creates are beautiful and unique. Lima’s voice is rich and powerful and his performance is very very professional and unique. The lyrics are so original and well written. To be honest with you, we have enjoyed this record till the last second.


“Sometimes it suddenly and without warning feels like the world is ending. This song is about that feeling. It’s about the cold season in our thoughts that somehow feels like the world is both freezing over and caught on fire, creating a desperation to seek out a person for shelter. This song is a love song to that person. I hope the listener finds that person in this song, and realizes that no matter how much of the world collapses around them, they still have someone to find completeness with. This song means the world to me. It brought me to tears in the studio, and I only sang it through once.”

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