Burning Windows – Tramp

If you are a big fan of Hard Rock or Slipknot then you are very lucky because tonight we will discover for you Burning Windows’ first release as a band which is exactly what you are looking for. The song titled “Tramp” and it contains a lot of fun energy, comes with a professional and very dark video. The drums and guitars are a piece of art in this record, mixed and produced very good and in a professional way. It’s a song that explores the mental aspect of a toxic relationship with not only another person but oneself.

Their lyrics are original and well written. Their energetic and strong vocals are enjoyable and their catchy performance is very professional. Every member of this band has brought his best and the result is this unique and enjoyable song.


Burning Windows is a DFW based band with visceral guitar and gut wrenching lyrics reminiscent of late 90’s metal acts such as Korn, Slipknot, Static X, and Tool. With a growing DFW fan-base and a millennial influence the music produced is an amalgamation of what was and what is.

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