SYML shared his new song, “Flags” earlier this month and upon hearing it for the first time, we knew we had to share it with you. we really love the vocal performance and production in this song and we love the smart creativity in the production. SYML’s voice is warm and pure and his writing style is honest and passionate, is about cancer. “Flags” is a calm and charming record and we’re confident you’ll love it just as much as we do.
“I struggle with things that seem supernatural but are actually very natural. Cancer is natural. Nature is undiscerning and unforgiving. Cancer is raw and shapes the landscape of our lives. The metaphors run deep but they don’t make mourning someone any less painful, especially before they leave us. I wrote ‘Flags,’ like I write many of my songs, as a sort of therapy. It’s from the perspective of our bodies experiencing cancer. We meet pain and hopelessness with community and fight, and the fight is meaningful.
Cancer fucking sucks and life is beautiful.”