This next track should satisfy your craving. For all of our followers and visitors who love Electro-Pop music, Dempsey Bolton has delivered a special and unique song for you titled, “In My Sleep”. It’s a wonderful track with a charming and professional vocal performance from Bolton, you’ll feel like it’s taking you on a journey the moment you close your eyes. He has one of the most pure and charming voices we have heard in our lives. The lyrics are from another world and very easy to follow and enjoying.
‘I wrote the song after having a vivid dream about a love interest of mine. The dream was a visceral experience in which she and I were together in a restaurant celebrating the first anniversary of our relationship. I woke up feeling deflated and found myself wishing I could just live inside that dream forever. I wrote In My Sleep as a tribute to that sentiment. It’s a song about longing to live in fantasy instead of wading in a colder reality.”

As a kid, Dempsey grew up listening to Otis Redding and Stevie Wonder while also taking interest in other areas of expression. Art that attracted his attention was often dark and tragic such as the works of painter Mark Rothko or dystopian writer Philip K. Dick. While sinking his teeth into playing and writing music, Dempsey enrolled in Astrophysics at the University of Alberta. After finishing his degree, instead of setting his sights on the stars he started focusing more on songwriting before eventually deciding to pursue music full time. Dempsey began producing demo tracks in his home studio inspired by the likes of Jack Garratt, James Vickery, and Jordan Bratton.