Today we have a wonderful new song titled “It’s Not On Me” from singer/songwriter Jacqueline Loor. To be honest is a soulful, very emotional and honest song, and showcases Jacqueline Loor’s talent in being able to connect to people’s emotions through a relatable story told through her vulnerable lyrics. Her far-reaching vocal range is where the magic lays, people will face some heavy emotions they bury, but they will be soaring by the end of the track. We really love what Loor is bringing to the table with this new release.
‘I just need to tell you…
everything. I need to tell you about all the times I was a hopeless romantic and stayed in crazy relationships, and fought the hopeless fights just to end up going through the heart-wrenching breakups. I need to tell you about the uphill battles, and what seems to be at times the endless falls. I want you to know me, the raw, honest, vulnerable, but always strong girl who keeps ongoing. I don’t have all the answers, but I do have something to say, and I just hope you hear me.’