The Case – Dark Places

New single from the Romanian band The Case titled ‘Dark Places’, if you haven’t checked it out yet, you definitely need to. After a few listens, we still find ourselves falling in love deep and deeper with the details and the lyrics.

The energy in this record is real, feel it for yourself and tell us your thoughts. The vocals are pure, and the lyrics are soulful it is about the inherent darkness in all of us, the idea that no matter how much we try to repress or dismiss it, it will eventually get the better of us. This is quite possibly some of The Case’s best work to date, they brought a fresh style to their music.


The Case is an alternative rock band hailing from Timisoara, Romania, who made their debut in the spring of 2012.

If you are not familiar with their music, you’ve probably missed them at festivals like Electric Castle, SnowFest, B’estfest Summercamp and Revolution Festival, to name a few.

As a band that places artistic freedom and the constant expanding of musical horizons first, they have been described as being able to effortlessly deliver an energetic performance which makes each of their shows unique.

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